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    DG PIONEERS  Launching Soon!

    Are you interested in becoming a investor in damien gen (London)?  For details  sign up.

  • About DG Pioneers


    Crowdfunding and Peer to Peer Capital investment raising funds to make damien gen(London) an international brand.

    An insight into damien gen/Airsupport.

    The Vision.

    A brief insight into the thought process behind damien gen's  1950s Airsupport brand.

    Behind the scenes.


    A look behind the making of a damien gen Airsupport Podcast.

    damien gen(London)


    A brief podcast introducing the Talos & Cossack styles damien gen underwear.

    Airsupport Girls C1954

    International Bright Young Things.

    Who were those Airsupport Girls?

    Sir Damien Gen

    The 1872 Hyde park Mystery

    What was the story behind the the mystery behind Sir Damien Gen grandfathers disappearance in 1872?